Useful Links |
The following are links to other web pages that may be useful to viewers of these pages:
The following links are to the local cities in the area as well as other useful services.
Penticton Seniors' Drop-In Centre
The following restaurants have web sites that let you look at the menu and specials. You can use these links to plan
lunches or dinners out with your friends. If you have any suggestions for additions to this list please send an
email (pscc@shawbiz.ca).
Hooded Merganser Bar and Grill (Penticton)
The following sites include medical and health information that may be useful.
Health Line
The following sites include information and help with computing.
Seniors' Guide to Computing
The following links include informationo about other senior computer sites as well as other useful sites.
Canadian Online Directory Services
© 2013 Penticton Seniors Computer Club