Tropics Gallery

Upload Pictures to Gallery

Use the following form to update your gallery page by adding a new picture or replacing one that is already there. Notice that the picture must already be resized to be 700 pixels wide (for a landscape picture) or 700 pixels high (for a portrait picture).

Your ID:     Password:     Picture Number:      

Select picture file:      

Background Colour:

Picture Caption:


Your Picture

Instructions: Enter your identification in the appropriate box along with your password. Type
in the number of the picture to be added, changed or deleted. It can be any number from 1 to 30.
Then, if you are not deleting, click on the Browse button to browse for the picture file in your
computer. Once the picture file has been selected, it will show in the box labelled Select Picture File
and the actual picture will show as a thumbnail at the right. Note that the picture file
cannot be larger than 200KB. If you wish to use a different colour for the background
when the picture shows, click on the desired colour in the colour box at the bottom, right.
Finally, if you are not deleting, type the text you want to show for the caption of the picture
and then click on the Submit button.

If you wish to delete an existing picture, type the picture number but do not select a picture and
leave the caption blank then click on the Submit button.

The updated gallery web page will show. This may take a few moments if there is a picture to upload.

Click on colour to change background.
© 2012 D. van Vianen